About me
PhD Student, Computer Science, UC San Diego
jvorobyeva@ucsd.edu | dblp
I’m currently a first-year PhD student at UC San Diego, co-advised by Dean Tullsen and Pat Pannuto. My areas of research include microarchitectural security, embedded systems, and low-power sensors.
Before this I’ve worked at Grist, an open-source spreadsheet company. I spent a couple years doing research at Sandia National Labs, where I worked on write-optimized data structures for high-throughput data indexing as well as on virtual memory systems for a cpu architecture simulator. I’ve also spent some time teaching computer science at Stuyvesant High School in NYC.
My CS interests cover a lot of disparate areas: I’ve done work involving computer architecture, high-performance data structures, scripting and automation, web development, programming languages, and graphical/geometric computation. A particular hobby of mine is tinkering with esolangs, embedded systems, and retrocomputing.
For more detailed info, see my resume